Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Scam of Fear and Shame

Welcome, May! Spring is here and the sun is coming back out after the long darkness, a beautiful thing for us salt-encrusted Syracusans. If you look out-side your window, oh good obedient house-arrested citizen, you will notice that people are coming out too. Indeed, in the past week the "lockdown" in my city has been in name only. This doesn't apply to the small businesses though, they are still being crushed under the heel of the Walmart/socialist collusion. Insanely, even as the lockdown becomes completely untenable for it's ostensible purpose (keeping people from spreading disease), Cuomo and other power-mad governors are continuing to double-down on their righteous mission to eradicate our world as we know it.

But they knew this would happen, only a very naive person could have any faith in the ability of stay-at-home orders to be followed by the entire population for more than a few weeks. But in order to maintain their narrative of lockdown being the only way to combat the corona germs, they have to maintain them (as we saw in the previous post). This presents a quandary for Cuomo and the MSM. Not only must they give lockdown credit for saving us from the fearsome plague in order to justify the massive state interventions they have planned, but they also have to guilt us into believing that, had only done a better job at hiding in our houses, we would be done with the lockdown already.

Such mental gymnastics require a high level of skill and training to accomplish in ones' head. In my opinion the lynch-pin of such extreme cognitive dissonance can only be Fear and Shame. Without Fear, brain is able to figure out that the "fact" of lockdown working and the fact lockdown failing cannot be both true simultaneously. Without Shame, those who have figured it out cannot be shut-up. So what we are seeing is really a kind of theater: everyone is expected to pretend that they are terrified of the corona-monster, even if they are seeing before their very eyes groups of people out and about socializing.

In the workforce this is doubly true. Right now there are UPS workers barely adhering to mask protocols, loading and unloading trucks three at a time, which is sweaty and cramped work and takes a long time. But we all have to pretend that this isn't happening as Cuomo rolls-out ever more bizarre and fantastical rules for businesses to follow (or, more likely, not follow as they simply give-up and stay closed).

We absolutely must be whipped-into a state of herd-mentality so powerful that we are either too ashamed to question these absurdities, or too terrified to process basic logic. On the face of it it seems like a major error, that the narrative-crafters have gotten themselves into such a bind. However, there is a very good reason for this tactic. You see, no one really knows what corona will do in the coming weeks as lockdown disintegrates. We may well have a spike, especially since people are in an extremely unhealthy state right now. Or, it may just peter-out with hardly a hint on the radar. They cannot know which, so the narrative must be prepared for both.

As usual, the great screen over that hides any great conspiracy is the sheer audacity of it; the Big Lie is so ridiculous it must be true! And this generally has worked, even for operations so blatantly botched and exposed as 9/11 and all ensuing madness of propping-up terror groups as freedom fighters, ect. Why would the powerful, wealthy, elites risk so much to gain what they apparently have no need for? If entities are powerful enough to engineer society, why would they not sit-pat on their laurels? It's a very good question, and usually we don't ever know the answer. My theory is that what appears to be psychological war on the population is actually war among factions, all clamoring to be at the top of the pyramid. If you watch Bush's pressers on 9/11 you can see that he obviously had no clue what was going on until late in the day (hence flying around for hours, hiding from some enemy powerful enough to take out Airforce One), when he folded and came over to the party line. So there was more at play behind the scenes than we know or will ever know, and I believe this is likely the case for almost all psy-ops directed at the population. All the lesser players, equally in the dark as Bush was, simply line-up in the approved pattern according to the established narrative.  They tell themselves it must be the truth, because it makes life easier and it's only human nature to follow the group.  This almost instant grouping around the established narrative leads many of my perceptive fellows to assume a much greater involvement in the overall conspiracy than is really necessary. It can seem like almost everybody is "in on it."

But, if we cannot know exactly why this lockdown is being done to us, we can at least see that it is a desperate tactic. They have come out into the open with practically ever "paranoid conspiracy theory" that any wing-nut ever dreamed up! So there is a lot at stake. Part of that great prize may simply be a demographic equation that is working-itself out in the Western world. The Boomers are getting old and they will be dying from random respiratory diseases and nasty flu bugs at ever-greater number. Why let this cash-cow go to waste? Instead of dealing with the problem of the old dying (which is not a problem that can be solved), the medical-public-relations-governmental complex can extrapolate the problem to include everyone and make a killing.

The good citizen isolates himself diligently and hands over all the leverage he had in the form of constitutional rights and economic market share, believing that we just have to beat this one very-bad bug and it can all be more-or-less over. But he is just laying the groundwork for more and more medical martial law. Make no mistake, corona may be bad, but there are much worse flu seasons coming that will ravage the elderly and generate very terrifying numbers for the population.

Part of the reason the deaths will be so high may in fact be the panic itself. As we are seeing in NYC, the fear of aerosolized particles infecting the nurses and doctors has limited treatment options greatly, as well as the fear of ventilator shortages. The "early ventilation" strategy may have made some sense if we were dealing with Ebola, but with a virus as generally harmless to the healthy as corona it has lead to horrendous loss of life. Who knows how many people checked into the hospital only to find that they had to leave their CPAP machine at home and were not allowed to use the hospital's? Early ventilation replaces gentler methods. From the Post: 

Covid-19 is “the story of dissemination of anecdotal medicine in a disease you don’t know, and the walk away from evidence-based medicine,” Christopher Thomas, a critical care physician at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in Baton Rouge, told us. “And it’s driven by fear and anxiety.”

I'm guessing that some doctors and nurses realized what was going-on relatively early in the peak, but what could they do? They may have been over-ventilating corona patients since December, even before the confusion from Italy caused changes in protocols. To radically change course would be to admit fault and the results for the hospital could be devastating. Many other considerations are going to be factored-in to the cost-benefit analysis of shutting-down and re-making society. My research is only just beginning in the question of what went wrong in NYC and the other hot-spot outliers, but I think it will be very informative and eye-opening to the few whose job it is to expose the lies of the narrative. Most people will be mentally hobbled by Fear and Shame, so it is up to us few, us lucky few, to learn what we can while we still can. Most importantly, we must confront the Fear and Shame tactics and not let it get to us. Remember: they are just as afraid of us!


  1. If you're nearly as bright as you believe yourself to be, double check what Trump himself called "a super duper missile," which is what he wishes cock could be, and compare it to "project warp speed," which is the rate at which he's wishing a vaccine could be developed, but the actual rate at which he's destroying the country


    1. Less time hating Trump and more time actually researching beyond main stream media and google and you will find the truth. We should be coming together, not dividing (like they want us to). Dig deeper. This goes so much deeper than what you imply. Be blessed.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My comment was intended for Da above. Not for the author.

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    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Conspiracy theories that have the potential to cost human lives, in this case hundreds of thousands, should naturally require a much higher burden of proof.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh, the internet? The place were I also can learn about the reptilians that run a shadow government that in turn runs all governments in the world? That monolith sowed with only truth, were I can learn that Jean Benet Ramsey was never murdered but now masquerades as Katie Perry? What about bat-boy, should I not question the assertions about a half-human, half-bat who wants nothing more than to be loved?

    I readily admit that the main stream media is used to modify narratives into a controlled reality. The US gov has been utilizing the journal pool for decades as evinced by declassified documents. (See how verifiable, declassified documents can be used as a foundation for discernment with in fields that may be derided as conspiratorial?) However, one MUST look for verifiable corroborating evidence not just search for confirmation bias among a string of illogically connected suppositions. As concluded by a study done by the WHO and CDC, the proliferation of baseless conspiracy theories is much more dangerous than COVID itself. It's causing so much more public harm by exponentially compounding the deadly effects produced by the epidemic.

    The deadliness of the disease is much further above reproach than the conspiracy developed by the radical right. You guys love to say that you find the truth in foreign news outside the reach of the Dems. This evidence comes from the volumes of statistics from around the word, far outside the control of the Democratic party. Do you really think over 212 countries are participating in a hoax by destroying their own economies, perhaps irreparably. Do you really think that the Democratic party is in control of all these countries no-matter what their alignment? Do you really believe that adversarial governments from around the world would conspire in unity with one single, foreign party from a country considered the enemy? Use logic. Think big picture. Getting sucked into the minutia of any theory can often make one lose their bearing, lose sight of what just makes sense.

    Between the disease and the conspiratorial fantasies, we are fighting against two very dangerous elements here. The sad thing is that one of these dangers is an unconscious, unthinking entity that has been malignantly weaponized and has seemingly unstoppable communicability while causing undue harm on our society and the economy. The other one is COVID.

    Please use discernment when traveling down the rabbit-hole. I've entertained various conspiracy theories at one time or another, however reading up on UFOs, bigfoot, men in black, Loch Ness monster even reptilians don't have the potential of killing tens maybe hundreds of thousands of people through your active endorsement and proliferation. Misinformation isn't only disseminated through the television. Please just think it out. The internet is a much more flexible and potent tool for the distribution of propogandized manipulation as it can be surgically aimed at the sub-culture that would be most susceptible to that particular message. Good day and good luck to you.
