Thursday, June 11, 2020

Letter To Mayor Ben Walsh

Dear Mayor Walsh,

The Telegraph recently reported some comment of Normway's Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, who is having second-thoughts about her decision to put the country into lockdown earlier this year. Was it necessary to close schools?" she wondered and concede that, "I probably took many of the decisions out of fear." It is refreshing to see a politician display such candor in these turbulent times we are living in. I think that many of our leaders have been acting out of fear, both of the virus and of the repercussions of failing to toe the party-line.

As data from Sweden and States that ended lockdown weeks ago is forming a coherent picture we are going to have to take an honest look at the facts and maybe even admit that we were stampeded by the fear-mongering media. Sweden's ICU facilities have never been close to overwhelmed, Georgia is not seeing a spike in COVID hospitalizations since ending lockdown, and many of the most terrifying myths about the "super-virus" are dissolving day by day. Those of our leaders who take the lead with honesty and straight-talk will go far and gain the trust of their constituents; those who continue to prevaricate will have a reckoning. Which path are you going to choose?

If you choose to support Andrew Cuomo's draconian policies I hope you realize that you are taking those who voted you into office down a dark path. The continuing restrictions on all aspects of our society must inevitably create economic hardship, physical and mental illness, and even violent social unrest. The riots that have rocked many American cities did not quite make it to Syracuse, but it is going to be a long Summer with many people out-of-work and bitterly divided by the mass-media. The events of the last week have showed that by turning the citizens into medical guinea pigs on a gigantic scale we are playing with fire. The only way out is to return to normal, not the "new-normal" of masks, fear, and state intervention in our lives. We need unity and healing, we need honesty from our leadership! I beg you to do what you were born to do: take up the mantle of truth and LEAD. 

Your Humble Constituent

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Race-War Averted While Seattle Is Occupied

Here we have, ladies and gentleman, the very face of the evil Orange Hitler living in his White(supremacy)-House and issuing harsh edicts that we denizens of the Blue States don't even notice compared to the draconian lockdown-phase we are already in. The fears I had of a false-flag attack kicking racial violence off-the-charts last weekend were unfounded, the President's team was miles ahead of me. Unknown heroes like the man above (Little Blue Men, we might call them in homage to Crimea's own Guardian Angels) surfaced to guard the perimeter in large numbers, under the control of the DOJ. Trump also swore-in National Guardsman as deputies under DOJ control, declawing DOD efforts to intensify the "soft-coup" by disarming the troops and trying to send them home. The DC Mayor media outlets tried to pose the defense of the White-House as some ham-fisted effort to crush the innocent with tanks. Yet even the much-mailgned St. John's Church "photo-op" turned out to be a justified use of force to extend the White-House perimeter by a block, a measure that defused a lot of the tension and made the larger protest safer in the long-run. If there had not been a presence of heavily-armed men there, who knows if protesters would have made a move for it? Even a relatively small amount of disruption can be very helpful to any bad-actors on the scene.

There were also some serious-looking sniper squads brought in to "Black Lives Matter Plaza," deterring shenanigans of a classic Soros Color-Revolution style. Especially in the middle of a riot, the for-of-war can keep rioters and cops from realizing that both sides are getting hit and make the violence go exponential.  Thus, having our own snipers in place as a counter-measure is vital. The fact that the guys came-in on camera with faces visible (no masks on these boys) should be comforting to Americans worried about the potential for abuse of the military. So thanks to the discipline of the protesters and their guardians the DC rally went quite well, as did hundreds of others. 

This is a great sign that Corona hysteria is dying, hopefully taking the "new-normal" with it. Even though getting government bucks has been great for some, most have come to realize that the new-normal sucks and they hate it. Minneapolis hospitalizations are still flat and they just had massive protests, looting, and rioting. Over ten days is enough to start seeing a spike if there is going to be one, so don't hold your breath for that second wave! Even the WHO conceded that asymptomatic spread is rare (like every respiratory infection), though they later walked it back. One by one the great myths of the Magic Virus with all its special powers are getting the ax. It's just a nasty bug like the many other nasty bugs we lived through. 

Somehow, though, the new-normal agenda still chugs along. Surely much of this success is due to the mask-fad. That people have accepted this psychological torture device so passively is amazing to me. To be fair I think the days of the mask were numbered until it became a symbol of the BLM/Antifa revolution. Trump is lucky he wore the mask on camera only once, or maybe his TV-personality instincts saved him. Being the only grown-up in the room and not playing "scare the children" like the rest has finally paid-off, even though he had to endure brutal media attacks over banal things like golfing on Memorial Day and giving pressers without the mask. In response to criticism that he violated Ford-policy at a plant visit he trolled the media and Michigan's AG (who instantly played the gender-card):
"I wore one in this back area, but I didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it," Trump said.
"I think I look better in the mask. I'm making a speech, so I won't have it on now."
Nessel responded to Trump's attack with two tweets of her own, accusing him of lying.
"Hi! After struggling with our Gov & SOS, impressed you know my name. Seems like you have a problem with all 3 women who run MI-as well as your ability to tell the truth.
Now the mask has lost it's medical justification and become "symbolic" of... well that's the real question isn't it? In any case, Trump doesn't wear one so it is in opposition to him, at least. 

We might see some more manifestations of the new-normie mask-cult pretty soon now that Seattle has a full-blown infestation of BLM/Antifa rebels establishing the "Capital Hill Free Zone." I imagine this anarcho/commune will do pretty well for itself, even without police. They obviously have practically unlimited funds and the locals are probably glad just to be free from the lockdown insanity! Even the masks might help here, as they hide the shame of the liberals as they undergo their "struggle sessions" and other cringe-worthy displays of devotion to the cause. I can't imagine that we would have seen the groveling and cringing on the parts of the "allies" without some mask cover, at least not on such a wide-scale. Even masked, the cringe level will go higher and higher over time as its overwhelming Whiteness is on full display, if the masks come off it will shoot through the stratosphere. Blacks don't enjoy White virtue-signalling any more than anyone else does. 

Whether or not the radical BLM communist ideology will appeal to the non-Whites in the movement is anyone's guess, but I think that what we are witnessing is really not an ideological struggle. Apart from the highly-organized and well-funded core, you basically have people that are truly angry at the police and also full of pent-up energy and stress over lockdown. Anger fades over-time and the cabin-fever is more pronounced in the Whites because of the structure of the lockdown; in communities that don't snitch on each-other it was much less intense. While the West-Coast is a haven for professional grievance-artists, they don't necessarily have many followers to get involved in the boring grind of Occupy-style camps. At least in Seattle I hope race-war can eventually be safely ruled-out and it will be just more Liberal White-on-White violence.

There is an opportunity for criminal gangs of various ethnic make-ups to get in on the fun. I have to assume that they will eventually since antifa is easy prey for the real deal who aren't protected by the police and media all the time. I'm picturing something similar to the seedy rave scene at Buttons Arcade in my youth in Syracuse. To the newcomer like me it looked like a drug-dealing free-for-all, but though all the same hippy/raver types were doing the dealing it was actually totally under the control of local gangs in the area.  They moved-in when they realized it was basically free money and absolutely destroyed anyone trying to bring their own drugs in. Portland had a similar infestation in 2018 which devolved into a massive health hazard of IV drug users, though the current take-over is much more organized, part of a national effort. Consider the massive looting of Downtown Manhattan, a coordinated event that the city's counter-terror and intelligence chief took the blame for missing and said is still unexplained:

The coordinated effort of looters to target the Manhattan neighborhood of SoHo without the police department's knowledge points to something the NYPD missed, said John Miller, the NYPD's chief of counterterrorism and intelligence.
"On the looting, that's an intelligence failure," Miller said at a briefing on Saturday. "If a couple of hundred people knew to be in a certain place at a certain time for criminal activity and we didn't detect that, that's on me. We've gone back looking for 'where was the Facebook page, where was the chatter in the places where we monitor gang's social media' and we still haven't seen it. 

As NYC has impressive data-gathering this is a major red-flag, to the Tinfoil-Hats at least! If the police are truly "abolished" then gangs are going to be filling their shoes, no doubt. My only question is whether they can keep it a secret while the Seattle zone keeps the fires of revolution burning. If they succeed for long enough it could lead to similar outbreaks, especially with cities still suffering lockdown. People are not meant to have this level of police-state intervention in their lives and they will gravitate towards any outlet. We all want to tell ourselves that we are doing fine, but as lockdowns continue it unravels society piece by piece. In fact that unraveling may already be inevitable. We need to start building again, opening-up however we can. Whether we are facing-down the mask-cult or the imperious Governors, we can only plow-on and pray for help from above!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

June 6th 2020, False-Flag Incoming?

I was on my back from the grocery store this morning (didn't wear a mask, clerks seemed supportive) and noticed that the streets around the Syracuse University area are jam-packed with cars. All overflow parking lots are full, it is going to be a very large protest downtown today! One has to wonder how the media and politicians supporting these marches will explain the many thousands of COVID deaths incoming. Or conversely, if there is no major spike, how will they explain their months of shilling for the most draconian and destructive policies in US history?

It seem that there won't be any attempt to explain or justify the Corona madness, the psy-op has run it's course and now we are on to the race-riot operation. From the people I have talked to who are attending these rallies this is openly described as an attempt to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States. I think this is plausible, even necessary since the fall-out from the lockdown could easily wipe-out the ruling class when things calm down. It is just too big to cover-up and they ares still doubling-down on the repression of businesses, churches, education, ect. Not only will the defeat in November be truly epic, should our Constitutional Republic make it that far, but it is going to be even worse when people start surveying the horrible damage caused by riots that are openly endorsed by Democratic politicians. At this point all we Patriots need to do is archive footage of the riots, keep an eye out on the streets, and turn-up at the polls (in person, the mail-ins are not reliable).

But I am not the only one to realize this, the enemies of the Republic have more plans up their sleeve. They are not going to allow this to play out at the polls, after shooting themselves in both feet. We are most likely going to have a false-flag terror attack soon with the goal of kicking-off a wider civil disturbance and justifying mass-raids and detentions of Patriot organizations. This may be accompanied by military defections and/or stand-downs, like we are seeing Secretary Esper order. This explains why Mayors and Governors have been undermining the police and trying to make the riots as bad as possible: they are getting orders from above and unknowingly smoothing the way for the coup that is underway right now.  The painting of the road to the White House with the BLM slogan (including the military stars and bars insignia) tells you all you need to know about how complicit the municipal leadership is in this attempt at violent revolution.

Right-Wing gun-nuts have also been involved, organizing barbecues in their drive-ways to send the message to looters that they should stay far away. The many videos we have of this phenomenon is enough to terrify liberals who have never seen a gun not in the hands of the police, but it's not going to be enough to kick-off the ATF/FBI actions needed to take-down all Patriot websites, groups, and channels of communication. As a result of armed citizens not falling into race-war hysteria and committing acts of violence at the BLM marches the latest psy-op is underway to create a revolutionary group out of whole-cloth, the Bugalloo Boys. This group has been shabbily thrown-together at the spur of the moment and has no members, but at this point many people will believe anything they see on the news, their minds having been destroyed by corona-hysteria. The above picture is what they are trying to sell as the latest edition of fear-porn. As you can see they "glow" very intensely! They even call themselves the "glow brigade," which is slang for a CIA-infested group. Another patch I saw even proclaimed the wearer as an "Alphabet Boy"! This psy-op is so lazy it openly is identifying as being run by feds!

Aside from the overly-slick patches all they use to identify themselves is military gear and Hawaiian t-shirts. I suspect the Hawaiian shirts were chosen because they are very popular among military types at the gun-range, there is an entire culture of manly-men who live part-time in Hawaii or who were stationed there. The lazy spooks need only do a image search for "gun-range" and they will find plenty of pictures of guys wearing Hawaiian shirts shooting of rounds into the desert.

But there has been a small amount of effort put into making this group seem real. A "scholarly paper"  was produced in February 2020 that seeks to analyse these obvious feds and their use of "memetic warfare." The idea was to conflate internet memes and ideas with real-world actions, to justify a crack-down on the remaining sites that offer free anonymous speech online. This goal appears to have been hastily transformed into the very real planning of False-Flag attacks, even though there wasn't enough time to make it believable. That is not to say that there won't be real violence, but I seriously doubt it will be anything more than random individuals. Those who have organized mutual-defense networks, such as the Michigan militias we all saw protesting lockdown, are too disciplined to serve the purposes of igniting a all-out civil war. All Patriotic, pro-second Amendment, anti-lockdown, and Trumper groups are going to be smeared by association with the artificial psy-op of the "Boogalloo Boys," regardless of how patently fake the operation is. As authors Goldenberg and Finkelstein write in their piece:

On January 20th, thousands descended on Richmond, Virginia, for the Virginia Citizens Defense League’s annual Lobby Day. In attendance were traditional gun-rights supporters as well as militia groups, conspiracy theorists, and far-right extremists ranging from ethnic supremacists to extreme libertarians. One particular group of interest, identified as the Patriot Wave, donned Pepe the Frog patches entitled “Boogaloo Boys,” as well as patches evocative of the American flag emblazoned with an igloo in place of the 50 stars. Some members wore a skull balaclava, which according to the SPLC, is considered the face of 21st-century fascism and is a key symbol of the Atomwaffen Division1 . One member of the Patriot Wave during a podcast posted on the Patriot Wave Facebook page boastfully declared, “Some of the guys we were with aren’t exactly out of the military yet, so they had to keep their faces covered.”

Why was one group of particular interest? Their online presence is practically non-existent, as we see from a term-search of 4chan, the site they are supposedly networking on. Pretty sad for a group that supposedly epitomizes "memetic warfare"! There have been some posts calling for armed rebellion in the past week or so, corresponding with the media-narrative to blame antifa violence on "White supremacists." There have even been a couple of men apparently entrapped by this fed scheme, filling-up gas cans on their way to the BLM riots in Las Vegas. They got them for gun violations and plotting, so no real violence can be attributed to this "group" yet. However that doesn't stop yahoo news from attaching a picture of actually real destruction to the article. As usual, it is not the violent rioters and looters who are burning cities down that we need to worry about, those are just "mostly peaceful protests," what we need to be afraid of is the mythical "White supremacists!"

There is also a wikipedia page, updated frequently in the past day or two that can me monitored as a good indication of where the feds are taking this psy-op. Of course they want to connect it to the anti-Lockdown protesters! Those are the real terrorists. The antifa thugs burning and destroying property, defacing monuments in DC, and attacking police are just "fighting racism." Racism is apparently anything less than kneeling submission to BLM and handing-over our Constitutional Republic to Communist ideologues. Even if you do kneel (as officer Cory Palka did), make sure you don't follow Ann Coulter on Twitter or you are an evil person who deserves physical destruction by peaceful mobs. This cop even displayed the OK sign, so he obviously is a member of the KKK. I think at this point we can recognize that nothing a White person, or even a Black cop, can do or say will ever convince the Leftist insurrection that you aren't worth punching --aside from total compliance with the attempt to overthrow the Trump government and abolish the police. When guarding your house from looters is labeled a terrorist action, you know that reason has been tossed-out the window.

So anyone going to a protest today, watch-out for these assholes! I don't think they themselves will be committing any violence, but they will probably make an appearance in the general vicinity of any Maidan-style sniper attacks or bombings that may occur. They are pretty easy to spot, they look like foreign mercenaries basically, with some neck-beard tag-alongs thrown in for authenticity. If you see guys with identical backpacks and tan slacks, be very cautious. And naturally make sure you stay away from antifa operatives who want to use you as a human-sheild for their criminal acts. I support everyone's right to peacefully protest, but the next couple of days might be a good time to watch from a good distance away!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Ultimate Distraction

With the influx of devastating video coming out of cities all across America it maybe difficult to believe that this is the most horrifying image out there for some. How, you may ask, could this innocent graph evoke such emotions? Who would be scared witless at this data?

Well Georgia lifted lockdown on April 24th, so shouldn't their hospitalization curve be zooming into the sky? Blue-State Governors all over the country bet the farm that the little dotted line would fly into the heavens and now that we know it's not going to happen it's a massive scandal!

Or it should be, at least. Instead we are transfixed by racial violence, with mobs in the streets of every major city and some minor ones. These "protesters" are disregarding any "social distancing" rules (or other laws) and must be spreading the Corona far and wide. Surely Governor Cuomo is aghast at the gross violations of his sagacious dictates, the directives that are crushing the life out of hard-working New Yorkers and their families, driving many to suicide and ruin. If he really believed that ignoring his virus protocols would result in massive loss of life he would be crushing these outbreaks with an iron fist. When desperate citizens (or subjects) of his State came out earlier this month to demand release from the lockdown he said, "You don't have the right to jeopardize my health."  Talking down to his constituency as if they were petulant children whining for new toys he said he would not "put dollar signs over human lives." Maybe he forgot, in his ivory tower, that dollars buy food, rent, gas, college, clothing, in fact everything our families need are exchanged for dollars in this economy. But rather think he knows that, I think he fully understood the devastation he was wreaking on human beings, though he tried to downplay it as much as possible. After all, what can be worse than the Corona?  It's for your own good, little children, Daddy Cuomo is only trying to protect you!

But Cuomo didn't downplay the horrific death of George Floyd when confronted with other protester last week, oh no their concerns are more than legitimate! Actually, it wasn't enough to commiserate the loss of one man's life, Cuomo hearkened back to "a continuum of cases and situations that have been going on for decades and decades and decades." Of course he "figuratively" stood with the protesters, who must have holy armor protecting them from the very-scary-and-deadly-virus that we have been hiding in our houses from for months.

Where is his outrage now? What changed?

The graph I posted above is the only possible explanation. Not only has Cuomo realized that he is wearing no clothes, he also realizes that thousands of people are finding images like the one above and sharing them. These people have lost their jobs or their marriages. Their kid just committed suicide or ODed. They are at the brink of developing permanent mental-health problems and have picked-up new substance dependencies trying to get by in the chaos he has made of our lives. They are months late in diagnosing a tumor in their breast, now malignant. They are scraping funds together to bury a parent or grandparent, killed by the devastating COVID scourge Cuomo unleashed on the nursing homes to free up hospital beds no one was ever going to need. 

Cuomo has blood on his hands, lots of blood, and the only way to cover it up is to keep applying more. So the truth about Coronavirus must be ignored at all costs, or we will start to question the wisdom of our leaders, or even their intentions. The cost is our cities burning, more death, more insanity, more chaos, but that's fine as long as we are so distracted we don't even remember that a week ago the CDC casually released a new best-estimate Corona death-rate of 0.24%. You read that right, the doom-and-gloom CDC themselves are now admitting that the virus that stopped the world is no worse than a nasty seasonal flu. Antibody tests continue to confirm what those of us willing to do some digging already knew: of a thousand COVID cases only a few people will die, just like the flu. Combine that with the now-available data from Georgia and Florida and you get the picture. Not only is Corona less dangerous than the "cure," it is also easily preventable with the much maligned HCQ.

The truth is out, it has become impossible to deny that Cuomo and other Blue-State Governors perpetrated the largest and most destructive scam on their own citizens in all of human history. Well, so far anyway. 2020 is far from over! Now we get to witness the next atrocity: the destruction of the cities themselves. In a last-ditch effort to keep the public's mind elsewhere they are assisting rioters in burning their cities to the ground by refusing to issue the order to call-up the National Guard even after repeated nights of violence and destruction. Maybe he doesn't want to put a "dollar sign" on a looter's right to some free Nike gear?  Whatever the case may be, Cuomo has embraced the race-war cause and is quite willing to sacrifice the lives of uniformed police, who say they are getting "zero support" from the man who called them front-line heroes when they were arresting barbers. 

Instead of protecting his citizens Cuomo is using us as pawns in a cynical ploy to force Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, sending in the military solely on Presidential authority. It's looking like this is going to be necessary, though it is a move that would assuredly inflame tensions more and result in massive casualties. That's OK though, just so long as none of the blame lands in Cuomo's lap! Strangely, no MSM outlets are calling him out on this homicidal gambit, probably because they are just as invested in the next Great Distraction as he is. Almost everyone except for Trump and some Red-State leaders put their reputations on the line to pump up the fear of Corona to levels that are more appropriate to Ebola, or maybe the asteroid that wiped-out the dinosaurs. 

The new crisis itself is indeed a lot more dangerous than the virus. Peaceful protest is fine, but uncontrolled rioting has a way of spiraling. The effects a prolonged period of racial strife can have on society can be practically permanent: just look at the changes that the riots of the 60s caused in dozens of cities. Most of them never fully recovered, the crime-ridden landscapes left behind by economic flight are constantly threatening to erupt into violence once more. The violence is all the more tricky because it's main focus is on the police, who of course are the ones who have to go out there and keep it under control. The more the police apply pressure, the more fuel they toss  onto the fire. But if they are ordered to stand-down, like they did in Minneapolis, then rioters destroy police assets that will be needed the next night. I personally cannot recall ever in my life seeing a police force anywhere in the world as docile as the MPD, who allowed people to swarm into their parking-lots and wreck their vehicles the day before abandoning an entire precinct. I cannot help but conclude that the leadership is intentionally trying to destroy their own city, especially now that the National Guard were finally called-in and cleaned-up the rioting in no time flat. This destruction is preventable.

The destruction of the lockdowns was preventable too, why haven't Governors learned from their mistakes? If Trump is forced to authorize military force and gets the job done, aren't they just guaranteeing another four years of their worst nightmare? I'm sure many people would be angry, lives would probably be lost. But the National Guard are professionals trained for precisely the task at hand, after quickly snuffing-out the violence wouldn't most citizens consider them (and Trump) to be heroes? Then, in two weeks, they would start to look at the Corona numbers again, which should be through the roof. When I look at the crowds jammed into the streets I see a ticking bomb, because in two or three weeks the entire Corona farce is going to be exploded.

That is the most intensely disturbing aspect of the situation in New York right-now. Cuomo is not in a position to behave rationally in the best interest of the State. He is in deep trouble and has to cover his ass. The entire media establishment are in that corner, they too are facing imminent loss of all their remaining credibility. If Trump sends the military in, it has to be a total disaster or the pinwheel of chaos will slow to a stop and the ride will be over. I think that it's quite likely we will see a Maidan-like scenario involving hired sniper shooting at both sides, or something equally pleasant. 

In the meantime, have fun arguing over whether this cop was too mean, or that protester was too violent. When you have a riot over police brutality being met with police brutality, it's just endless fun to debate. It's really the ultimate distraction if you need one!