Monday, May 4, 2020

Another NYC Whistle-Blower and Planning Ahead

King Cuomo has spoken and outlined his plan to remain in absolute power forever. OK, maybe that is a little bit of an overstatement, but not much. This list of requirements that each arbitrarily-created region must fulfill in order to re-open is yet another escalation of COVID madness, dove-tailing nicely with his strategy of psychological warfare. I though that his doubling-down on forcing COVID patients into the nursing homes couldn't be topped. I thought that demanding federal funds to feed into his black-box slush fund of oppression was the ultimate hubris. Nope.

Does anyone out there think it makes sense that NYC is just as close to re-opening as the Western NY region? There are only 127 deaths in the entirety of Monroe County.

A quick glance at these conditions shows how far we have come from "15 Days to Flatten the Curve." Two weeks of lockdown is a radical step, to be sure, but in the "new-normal" the most extremely radical is becoming prosaic. Each testing parameter is a two week average, and there is that little bit about monthly testing requirements. Don't forget, this all just gets us into Phase One until he decides to restart it. It's looking like lockdown is here to stay. But then why would he open-up when he's having so much fun playing dictator? With the MSM lapping it up and Youtube banning the whistle-blower videos coming out of NYC with incredible rapidity, Cuomo has no real reason not to carpe diem. Every day that the lockdown goes on Cuomo becomes more and more invested in his lies.

But we have to live in the real world, while he creates a brave new one for us. I went driving around last night to see what the mild weather was doing to help herd-immunity along. There was a ton of traffic, lot's of groups of 4-8, but no huge parties I could see. I saw no police on the South/West Side at all, and only a couple on the SU Hill where a college girl had rammed a telephone-pole. That's what you get for driving while listening to the panic-station! My over-all impression was that foot traffic was just a hair under a normal Spring peak.

Now that we are effectively adopting the Swedish model, with an economic wrecking-ball thrown in for funsies, we have to accept a little more personal responsibility going forward. As much as COVID has been blown wildly out of proportion, it is still quite dangerous to some. Not to mention the danger of allowing a state of fear and paranoia to continue. Can we balance these two considerations?

I don't think there is any perfect level between reasonable caution and servile cowering at this point. For one thing, we are coming off weeks of lockdown. To expect everyone to be as considerate as the Swedes are alleged to be is absurd.  People have a lot of steam to blow-off, one way or another. If we had taken the rational approach from the beginning and focused on protecting those in the risk cohort we would be much farther along towards herd immunity and also much more able to behave ourselves. As things stand, I predict a considerable surge in hospitalizations, but I could be wrong. Either way it goes, we do have a responsibility to do our best.

Yet, how can we expect our elderly to be deprived of their families for much longer? It is an ugly situation and the continuation of harsh measures may well drag it out longer. So take some time to think over your strategy for protecting yourself and any vulnerable family members you have; the State has shown itself utterly incapable of doing so, even with all the powers it has invested to itself.

Make sure you know what your risks are. This handy tool is a good start to assess your risk level (but don't download their spyware app). It has been my experience that most people are over-estimating their own risk. If you are under 80 and healthy you should be fine, but maybe really sick. Communicate with others what their own fears are and be respectful of them, whether you think they are high or low-balling the threat. If you do get sick be very wary of going to the hospital. They are not using CPAP machines so you might want to procure your own and tough it out with the ability to prone yourself and other such effective measures that are impossible on ventilation. No one can decide for you if you want to go in, but know that you will be isolated if you do. Most importantly: get lot's of fresh-air and sunshine and stay positive.

The other tricky part of the task ahead is how to be careful of possible spikes while not playing into the Fear gripping our society right now. I am of the belief that this fear is doing far more harm than the virus, both in our bodies and in the power-structure being formed around us. It is imperative that we resist this formation inside our minds and hearts and in our communities. With that in mind I am not wearing a mask unless I go into a store or other confined space with other people. Even though I became a convert to masking when the WHO still said not to I think that the psychological damage it is causing us outweighs the slight reduction in transmission. I guess I'm just a murdering misanthropic terrorist!

So remember that, although it is tempting to play along just to "get it over with," that is exactly what the fascist medical-police-state is counting on. They know that people are waking up and seeing the absurdity of the lockdown all around their communities and the terrible toll it has taken. They know that they cannot contain all the information, even with military-grade A.I.  But if people just go-along to get-along we lose any chance to fight this in the future. Make no mistake, this agenda will be with us until we ourselves defeat it. With an aging and unhealthy population, the West cannot help having nasty bugs come through that could take out a lot of people. This is sad, but this is life and life goes on. The question is, do we want life to go on under shutdown or under freedom?

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