Wednesday, November 4, 2020

No Surrender, Trump Must Win


Donald J Trump will go down in history as the winner of the greatest underdog victory in electoral politics. 

His campaign of 2020 was ran not just against Joe Biden and his seasoned team of cut-throat political veterans. He also ran against one of the greatest disasters in modern America: the corona pandemic. This tragedy of nature was laid at his feet at every opportunity and weaponized against him by the decrees of the Blue State Governors desperate to hamstring this one obstacle to their total power. Now it is being used to fundamentally and permanently alter the methods which we use to vote: the mail-in ballots that are the ultimate weapon against Democracy.

He ran against the corporate media machine, who viciously slandered him with no regard for any journalistic standards. These relentless attacks came in near perfect unison due to an unprecedented consolidation of media organizations. The smears were fed with leaks by traitorous insiders at every level of government, regardless of the price to American projects and policies. Not only did currently serving intelligence officers use devious method to undermine his administration, even the retired spooks were waltzed out for the prime-time cameras to sling mud at the leader of their nation on a daily basis. He was back-stabbed by federal employees and even casual friends who recorded his wife's conversations. Many did the rounds of the morning talk shows to promote their treacherous books. These ghost written tomes came with lucrative deals from the media/publishing empires, so long as they contained salacious  suggestions of madness, disfunction, and every kind of perversion in the high offices of our nation. No damage to the prestige of the American people was too great, so long as some of the mud spattered on Trump's shoes. 

Trump ran against his own Department of Justice, ever ready to smear his supporters as "dangerous White supremists," while turning a blind eye to the street thugs torching American cities in the name of hurting Trump's re-election chances. They not only refused to take action against the previous administrations election-riggers who had spied his team in 2015, they felt it necessary to indict and prosecute his friends and associates for petty crimes far inferior.  They stood by as the President was dragged through the gauntlet of a scurrilous impeachment trial, all the while sitting on the Hunter Biden laptop. They knew the information fully supported Trump's "wonderful phone call" in which he begged the Ukrainians to help him root the corruption out of the American political machine, this unbelievable corruption which was so deep and widespread that his own people refused to investigate it. To this day these American Federales refuse to lift a finger in action against the made-men of the Biden crime family; crooks who are too tainted to get a job as a mall security guard, let alone put in the vicinity of the Oval Office. 

Perhaps most staggering, Trump ran against the ascendant monopolies of the Big Tech social media empire. This alliance of giants shapes our informational and social world to a degree that we can't even measure (unless we hire them to run AI programs on the vast ocean of data they collect about everything and everyone). Not only did they ban and obstruct every major Trumpian community, from r/TheDonald, to the Facebook Q groups, they even censored the Presidents own Tweets about election interference and the corona hoax. They censored internationally respected scientists who agreed with the President that maybe corona wasn't the end of civilization and the dawn of the New Normal era that Big Tech is engineering. All the while Trump trolled masterfully from their own platforms and built his unique brand into a personality cult that drew huge crowds together. Ideed, the greatest error of his first term was not speaking up for his own supporters in their digital persecution, which led to the current crisis. By showing leniency and respect for the First Amendment Trump was denied the fertile stew of organic memes this year, and the world is a poorer place for it. Maybe he became his own meme instead. 

Trump ran against all these forces and more. Together they represent the most coherent expression of an American oligarchy, the most powerful confluence of influence and interests ever assembled; and they came together for the purpose of destroying one single man. Trump ran against them, desperately, passionately, seemingly hopelessly, and Trump WON. 

That's right, he did it and Biden is cheating him out of his glory. This election was Trump's magnum opus, his Calvary climb, his Chancellorsville. And just like the latter victory made Lee's army into a legendary and near-invincible force, his victory in this election has forged together the hearts and souls of millions of American into something far, far greater than the sum of its parts. We have gone through the hell of social stigmatization, physical beatings, psychological warfare on an unthinkable scale, and we've paid for this win in costs that cannot be measured. There is now a force loose in the nation, across the entire planet, that cannot be put back in the bottle. To do so, to attempt such folly, is so perilous that only psychotic hubris could cause them to attempt it. Hubris, or perhaps fear. 

That is why you never saw Trump leading the Electoral vote count, on any screen or any network, last night. He was crushing it right out of the gate, but it never made it onto the board. All during those hours of electoral coverage each network worked in tacit collusion, bending over backwards to call a Blue State for Biden as soon as humanly possible, but waiting hours past the point when Trump's lead became insurmountable to call a State for him. Fox News was chosen to strike the first deadly blow, probably because they are the most trusted among Trumpies. As I watched the game was not immediately apparent to me, why they were dawdling and running-out the clock. Indeed, I don't think everyone on the Fox News floor knew what was happening. I felt their sense of unease, of searching for the correct narrative steadily grow as Trump's lead in the swing State's mounted. 

It became more and more surreal as the night went on. How to avoid crowning Trump the winner when he clearly was knocking it out of the park? Why was the uber-liberal NY Times calling Florida for Trump and not "Conservative" Fox News? When the Times turned Florida back to undecided (it was way past any reasonable doubt) the feeling of weirdness gave me chills. Gradually we all began to realize that the fix was in. 

The turning-point came when Fox News called Arizona prematurely for Biden, as if they were reporting polling projections and not an election. I could see their strategy stretched out across the blue and red map: solid Blue established extremely early out in the West while States in the East remained light Red, off the tally no matter the vast leads Trump had. The ghost of the year 2000 was present, guiding the plot, weaving the narrative that Biden was ahead even though we could all see him getting creamed. You see, Gore had never led against Bush that night and that had made him jittery about proclaiming victory; a mistake he hadn't recovered from. I voted for Nader (and being in New Mexico caught hell for it), but I never regretted it even when Bush turned into a nightmare. I don't believe in voting for men who will not fight for me. 

The Arizona call was at 11:13 PM (with only 73% of the votes counted) was apparently a signal of some kind (it was the first State Trump won in 2016 to supposedly flip), because after that things started getting really strange. Basically the election ground to a halt, with no more flipping States getting called that night. Trump's lead continued to grow and it looked like a victory by all the available numbers. Nevertheless, the election had apparently, amazingly, been postponed. 

Twitter pitched in by censoring anyone who claimed a State for Trump if it hadn't been approved by two of the top eight networks. Such a rule is unprecedented electioneering by a media platform. Imagine that you aren't allowed to pick up your phone and tell your friend "Trump's got PA!" This is what it feels like to live in a failed-state, this is the New Normal totalitarianism flexing their muscles. They have slowly been going all-in on the censorship regime that has characterized the political and social life of 2020. It started with corona and 5G theories, accelerating with the revelations about Biden's corruption, and finally reaching the finale with the blatant stealing of the US Presidential election. Make no bones about it: it is blatant. We are in the midst of the most bald-faced and shamelessly blatant electoral fraud in the history of the modern West. Big Tech and the MSM are going to close ranks around this big lie and hope that people are too dumb to look past their unified black-out or too cowed to do anything about it. This kind of operation would not have been possible even a few years ago, but soon Biden will declare victory and start formation of a parallel government. This is reality.

Back to Arizona. The "flipping" of Arizona (which is still in play as of this writing Wednesday evening) was the second overt action of the coup, designed to stall Trump's momentum out for the night so that people wouldn't go to bed thinking he ahead. They had to call Arizona because the shenanigans in Pennsylvania was already stretching credibility: Trump was waaay ahead by 11:00. He was so far ahead in PA that the plotters in Philly sent all the vote-counters home at barely 9PM. This is just not done, but of course PA planned on stretching the vote out as long as possible so "Why not get some shut-eye?" This strategy was echoed throughout the night in all the swing States, Democrat cities halting counts while the Red districts continued to tally. Thus they determined the target number of fraudulent ballots necessary to squeeze Biden past the post. 

You just can't make it up, this utterly, utterly, blatant theft of the Presidency. 

One by one the swing States that Trump was winning began to shut their vote counting operations down. Keep in mind, this has never, ever happened on election night. Usually they count until they are literally falling asleep on their feet. So that makes it all the more bizarre that mail-in votes started coming in at 4:30 AM to swing MI and WI in Biden's favor. The massive tranches of ballots were allegedly from pro-Biden districts, but they were so skewed it is not plausible. The easiest way to determine electioneering is by looking at irregularities in the statistics and this was off the charts. One tranche had 135,000 for Biden and 3,000 for Trump. Some appeared to not have any for Trump at all. This is Third-world level of election fraud and the only reason they are doing it to us is because the forces aligned against Trump are so massive and so dominant in the informational sphere that they believe that it doesn't matter. 

We have also seen the percentage of total votes-in manipulated, with different numbers on different networks. As the night progressed the percentage of votes counted in some States was changed to a variable, so they don't even know how many ballots they have! All these ballots should be thrown out by the courts, the constitution specifically forbids voting past election day though much other leeway is given to the States in other details. 

PA has degraded the process further, accepting mail-in ballots that aren't even postmarked. This is all supposed to be accepted because, "We're in a pandemic, ya know?" This is all supposed to be planned, it's nothing to worry about. Of course election day is going to be chaotic and have all the hallmarks of fraud from now on, but at least you don't have to go and vote in person! It's terribly, terribly dangerous...

Bizarrely, even such Democratic luminaries as Liz Warren was Tweeting to her followers just last week to VOTE IN PERSON. And the CDC updated their guidelines to allow people who actually have COVID to break quarantine and vote in person. It's perfectly obvious to everyone who thinks about it that mailing out millions of ballots is an awful idea and even the Democrats were wising-up as Trump started to gain that critical momentum. Yet I have no doubt that, should Biden win and the strategy work, mail-in voting will become another sad aspect of the New Normal. 

But Biden did not win. We will not accept this cheating, this defiling of our sacred right to choose our leaders. The people have spoken, they must be heard not only in the United States but all around the world where governments are launching fresh attacks against their freedoms. We are almost clear of the abyss of 2020 and we have been tempered by the darkness. Each one of us has suffered scars on our souls, aged years in our bodies, and had relationships ravaged beyond repair. We have been locked in our houses, had our livelihoods wrecked, been tested and tracked, masked and muzzled, lied to and lied about, and taken for a fool one too many times. We are certainly not going to hand our nation over to the blackmailers, the condescending parasites who promise us our lives back if only we play their twisted game. We are tired of our elders isolated, dying heartsick while our children are pathologized and turned into hypochondriac germophobes. We don't want to be divided anymore, distanced physically, socially, and spiritually from each other. This nation was made to fulfill a great destiny of Freedom, not a cringing New Normal. 

The old normal is gone forever, but the future is ours to create. Just as Trump has forged the courageous among us into a nation whole again, we are going to carry this movement on unto its conclusion. We have lost our innocence in so many ways and learned who our enemies truly are, and we will fight them to the last of our strength. The MAGA movement is not a violent movement (indeed the rallies and convoys have been overwhelmingly peaceful), but I fear that it could change in dark ways if this fraud goes forward, if this crime is consummated. 

When Trump wins many people will be devastated, but at least he won't be interfering in their lives and seeking ever more power over their societies. That is the way of the enemy, that power that defies life's nature and tries to eliminate death. If awakened America is forced to bow before the dictates of Joe and Kamala (who are just tools of a much vaster and Earth-spanning agenda) it is not going to be pretty The genie is out of the bottle and won't go back in.

I pray therefore for my nation and for Donald Trump, who is surely at the very end of his endurance. He has worked so hard for us, lost so much for us, now it is time to show our worth. We must expose this coup, the details of which are becoming more articulated every day. We must stand-up for our Republic against the disaster of mail-in voting which makes us the mockery of the world. We must heal and learn from the many mistakes of 2020. And no matter what, we cannot accept the rule of these thieves, though their mobs are set and ready to make our lives a hell of chaos. They will destroy much that is great and beautiful in this land, they already have, but one thing they cannot take away is our resolve to live in the American way. The stakes are far too high, the cataract of totalitarianism looms, the time to act is now.


  1. Hey man this is Revrend, my gmail account got hacked so please email me at Thanks man. I really hope to hear from you. Just got back from the DC march. I want to see what you thought about it.

  2. Listen this is Revrend I really want to talk to you about a few things. I really, really like your writing I was a poll watcher for Trump and I'd love to talk about some of the stuff I saw firsthand. I know you've probably been busy with family things due to Christmas but please get back to me Thanks, man and Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
