Thursday, October 29, 2020

Antifa Tactics Of Deception And RIP Greenwald


Welcome to the Endgame! With just days till the elections the tactics and methods of the globalists are coming into ever sharper focus. From my observations the Internationalist Left has received orders on multiple levels and commenced post-election operations to keep Patriotic America off-balance by staying ahead of the curve. As we have seen throughout 2020, the Media/Intelligence Complex creates crises at an accelerating rate, one coming during the midst of the previous to “flank” the previous defensive strategy before it can be fully implemented. The pivot from lockdown hysteria to BLM/Antifa rampaging was a perfect master-stroke of this technique. The organized resistance to the lockdown and stay-at-home agenda of the network of Governors were caught flat-footed when all of a sudden the Left poured into the street in masses (yet STILL remained committed to the crushing of ordinary human life). They were able to predict, somehow, that people would keep a childlike belief in face-diaper protection even while screaming in massed crowds of thousands. It was difficult to know what to make of this, especially with the fresh trauma of the Floyd video, though BLM/Antifa ended-up just being agents of the DNC political machine.

At this point I have honestly gotten fatigued of following the mainstream media narrative, the voice of all the “separate”corporate outlets is in such perfect unison these days that they don't have to try very hard to invent a convincing thread of events. The life of the “normies” who dote on Tony Fauci's every pronouncement is closer to a fast-cut, shaky-cam music video than a coherent plot. But we do get a bit of a window into the inner-workings now and again. Indeed, if one is alert all the enemies of the Republic are revealing themselves every day. It was telling, for example, how well the various media outlets managed to side-line the “Laptop From Hell” and ignore it completely or parrot the CIA line of "Muh Russia". Normally a Lefty journal like The Intercept would break such an easy "scoop" into the partial mainstream, making it viewable on Twitter and Facebook and then a bit of light would glean through. This time, veteran maverick Glenn Greenwald was blocked from publishing that story in The Intercept (which he founded) by the DNC controlled editorial staff less than a week out from the election. He has since resigned, posted the piece despite vague contractual threats, and published the e-mail exchange in which he was cold-cocked by his chums he had promoted to editors. A legend goes down to the blogosphere (though if probably the place to be if one has to go), but maybe he can take The Intercept down with him too.

It is safe to say that they are running scared by the relentless revelations coming through the blackout (partially due to the Streissand Effect) and the unreliability of partisan-based registration (exit) polling in a very dynamic election. When a Republican or Democrat casts their vote it is hard to say for certain who it was for as the political spectrum re-aligns itself around Nationalist/Globalist vectors. The oft-maligned threat of the “conspiracy theorist” menace is ascendant, as one would expect in the age of the “New Normal.”

Using this information about the failure of the mainstream to contain the narrative we can extrapolate some guesses about the future strategy of the Elites. Consistent with the “mad-dog” strategy we see a return to the BLM riots in Philly, NY, and DC. This is very odd so close to the election, but it might reflect a last-minute move to rally the troops in expectation of an election night defeat. The weather is getting colder and the energy has to be maintained before people get too cozy, and extra hands may actually help them ram through the necessary amount of fraudulent mail-in ballots. Having fanatical volunteers on hand is more useful for vote manipulation than the normal door-knocking, which the DNC disavows because of their morbid obsession with COVID. Only a relatively small number of ballots need to be fed into the right places if the race is close, so I expect that a premature switch to “Plan B” makes a good deal of sense. This also keeps them ahead of the curve, maintaining the initiative.

It is also possible that BLM has become more of a true renegade subculture and is going beyond the bounds of the handler's intent (or at least moving from a psy-op to a physical-op). Twitch banning all streaming of BLM from it's platform will keep the activities off Twitter and reduce the effectiveness of the Antifa provacation.If this is so, all the better: the sooner they find out what their supposed establishment allies will do to them the sooner they can be free of them. In many ways BLM is representing the multicultural coalition, but only the anti-White Whites and their allies. It could easily shift to a similarly multiracial alliance that is Pro-White Whites and their allies and helpful to Western Civ instead of harmful. This White on White violence is typical of the warring Europeans: teaming up with foreigners to beat up on each other. Most people of all races are happy to ally with Whites to get in on the plunder, so naturally they will gravitate towards the Pro-White Whites rather than those who want to kill the milk-cow rather than keeping it fed and comfortable.

If there is a shift to the Maidan-esque strategies we saw in DC in the Spring, then I predict the election will, sadly, not be over very soon. What we are going to have as mail-in "votes" trickle in over time instead is a struggle on the streets and in the courts which may or may not turn into a full-blown coup. While Patriots have been pumping up the base like in a regular election, we may have to be quite nimble soon. Difficulties will be compounded by the immanent lockdowns as the “casedemic” of over-testing proceeds. Recall that Europe was hit by lockdowns much earlier than the US and we are now witnessing history repeat itself. Although it is humorous on the face of it to destroy society over a mild flu-like virus, it is calculated to bring a sense of chaos and disorder, a non-stop cycle of hell that can only be stopped by a “return to normalcy.” Many nations have been destabilized and forsaken their duly-elected leadership to this end and none have gotten peace in the way they wanted it. Once you abdicate your elections all bets are off. Just as the next round of lockdowns will promise a road back to our lives “in a few months,” only to find that the lives we return to are lacking many basic liberties we take for granted; so the imposition of an unconstitutional transfer of power will promise stability if we just “let this one slide,” but that will be the end of the American Experiment in democracy.

We must stand firm that we want America to continue as is exists in the Constitution, and then we can iron-out the difficulties from there. The problem of drastic polarization makes this seem almost impossible. No matter the outcome, many many people will see the elections as illegitimate. The Blue States have initiated so many “COVID voting” rules that we will probably never be able to know for sure the extend of the fraud, but it is likely to be unprecedented. Poll watchers will not even be able to perform their usual function due to "social distancing," even aside from all the totally legal loopholes that have been rammed-through recklessly. A couple of extra votes per precinct can really add up, so it doesn't take much success from the operations that are ongoing in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere; the courts will have to decide. In the environment of uncertainty the side that stands firm on moral ground will win: both groups are so large that members will cleave off the coalition until only those who truly believe that they are fighting for the highest cause remain. On the Right the cleaving has already mostly taken place, RHINOs and milquetoast patriots are long gone. I think the Left multiculti coalition will be pared-down if they encounter significant resistance, but they do have the power of most institutions rooting for them. Hopefully many of the devoted “revolutionaries” will lose their taste for destruction after sniffing manipulation in the air, but so far they are not making the connections suggested by their massive corporate and intelligence agency support.

This may not be the proper place for further war-gaming, except to say that the most vital thing is to establish secondary communication networks to distribute information and culture in the coming darkness. We do not have the option of waiting for feckless Senate hearings to bear fruit (they probably never will) we need to take control of the information environment ourselves. Most importantly, we need to engage in real-world interaction no matter the “danger” of "muh virus". [Syracuse City Hall Fridays, 12-2] If this results in another round of persecutions, like that suffered by the Russian Christians when the Bolsheviks took over (the greatest martyrdom in all human history) then may God have mercy on our souls!

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