Monday, January 11, 2021

Remember Ashli Babbitt

 Last night a small group of local patriots gathered to pay homage to the martyr Ashli Babbitt, as well as the others who fell in the January 6th Capitol Siege. In the cold winter night we warmed ourselves by candle. It's not much heat, a weak flame and small, but those tiny flames will endure all night after a raging fire has petered-out. Just like the spirit of America right now, tempered down to a simmer, a barely wavering flicker, but alive. Thank you, Ashli, for sacrificing all so that the warmth of hope can live inside us, though it be hidden from sight by the cold fist of brutal night. Once it is out the game is over, but while some fires burn in scattered memorials across this land we will endure. 

Not so did the spirit shrink in Washington DC last week, it blazed forth in glory and beauty. Millions watched as the overwhelmingly peaceful marchers pushed their way onto the capital verandas and joyfully romped among the halls of power. Smiles came to our faces, like children again we felt the rising tide of freedom, the loosening of the steely grip that has seized our nation and much of the world. How can it be that hope is lost when such wonders still happen? How can we believe that a man who can inspire so many to such daring could lose to a senile plutocrat and his plastic facsimile of a running-mate? Impossible! Inconceivable! 

We saw many unprecedented things in those ranks of hundreds of thousands across the capitol lawn and jamming up the street for miles. I don't know if there has ever been such a diversity of humanity together for one cause, like a human portrait of America in all her splendor. Who else can bring in the devout Christians of so many sects, praying with one voice? Who else could gather all the generations, the different types, the denizens of far flung regions in one place? Certainly no Republican politician since Lincoln has ever had such a wide appeal, an appeal that transcended party politics long ago. Grandmothers and grandfathers shouldered their way in along with trim veterans, making history in the odd way that America tends to do it. 

But it was not all fun and games. There was the tragic slaying of Ashli Babbitt in the midst of the confusion, blood falling on the capitol steps like an omen of what is to come if we don't heal this nation. What should be unifying us, grief over a fallen hero, is being taken up by the craven political class and their media lackeys and contorted into a weapon with which to further break apart our national unity. They are not interested in mending the rifts that brought us to this pass, those who spew hateful words like "terrorist" and "Nazi" at the people who over-stepped decorum in the heat of the moment. To try and label a spontaneous demonstration, an expression of rightful grievances, as an insurrection is a lie, a malicious and hurtful lie. But it too is a token of things to come as the power of the security state turns its lens inwards onto those who love freedom and the American Dream. 

Most of the people now being hunted down by the FBI and ratted-out by family members had no idea that they were doing anything wrong, much less insurrection or terrorism! This is because most of them never even considered it possible that the capitol could be breached. It should not have been possible. The police chief has resigned due to the egregious failure to secure the perimeter in the knowledge that massive crowds were on the way. As we have seen so often in the last year, the cops were left without the resources needed to do their jobs for political purposes. It was a masterful stroke, to turn Trump's gambit against him. Trump had the right instinct: have the biggest rally of all time right outside the chambers as they were debating. Ted Cruz presented the crux of the matter in the morning: do we investigate the claims of State legislatures who had begun to resist in the weeks and days leading up to the 6th, or do we certify an election that is perceived as an usurpation by half the country? Legislatures under pressure had certified their electors based on fraudulent data, all too quickly, and now were pleading with congress to act. With reports and videos coming in on their phones of the throngs outside I think there was a good chance that enough of the GOP would see the writing on the wall and join Ted Cruz in his suggestion of an emergency 10 day commission. The surely would have realized how important it was to find out the truth behind the many irregularities which the courts have ignored on technicalities. Regardless of the outcome, this is what our democracy sorely needed. It was also Pelosi's worst nightmare.

That is the reason why the DC police had no lines of bikes, no gas masks, no riot shields, and barely enough men to form a line around the perimeter. That is the truly unprecedented event that we witnessed: a queen sacrifice play of diabolic skill. With the media spinning this event as nothing more than an organic uprising the government can now move forward in their repression of the populists MAGA movement. They are working in tandem with the tech monopolies to reshape the digital sphere and quash independent voices who think beyond the demarcated lines. Republicans are only too eager to comply, ridding themselves of the upstart Trump who they could not control. They know the election was stolen as well as anyone else, but it wasn't stolen from them

It's hard to not feel hopeless in the face of such consolidated power, in a time when our basic freedoms are already being stripped from us. It's difficult to see what the way forward will be. A government that discards the cloak of legitimacy must intend to rule with force. How to resist without escalating the divisions further? I don't know the answer, I don't think anyone has them yet. What we do have is that tiny flame, still flickering on.

Thank you Ashli.