The Courier-Journal reports that the nations most visible Black militia is planning to make a visit to the Kentucky Derby tomorrow, even though the event is being held without fans. They had originally planned on harassing the attendees so maybe they will just stick around to make bets, no one seems to know. But the important thing is that they be seen marching around in disciplined formation displaying proper African pride and gun safety skills. Hopefully they have reached-out to some of the 3%ers or other experienced militia groups for extra training in trigger discipline and all the precautionary minutia that gun-nuts love to obsess over. Gun safety protocol really is like a religion with these crazy militia people and I'm sure they would leap at the chance to spread the doctrine, even to Black Nationalists. The last time that the NFAC made an appearance three of their members were hit by accidental gunfire so obviously there is some room for improvement. Everyone has to start somewhere!
Although I support the NFAC and any group that is organizing for public defense in these times of civil unrest, I have a hunch that the real purpose of this group is not armed conflict. If you look at the photos from their previous rallies many of the guns are just cheap .22s that look "scary" and have ineffectual mods. Clearly they are not spending a ton of time training with their weapons, so what makes them think that they are going to be able to physically stop people from attending a sporting event with cult-like popularity? The simplest answer is that they aren't preparing for physical conflict because they don't intend to get into one. Rather, the point of the group is to march around and make antagonistic proclamations that the media will amplify because they have guns. Eventually some of the prepped-out guns enthusiasts will lose their cool over their improper sling positioning (or whatever) and yell the n-word at them or worse, making themselves look like hypocrites\. If the psy-op is extremely successful they may generate some martyrs for the cause.
This kind of psychological warfare does seem dirty at first, but in my opinion that is just because psychological warfare has a bad reputation, being abused so often by US Intelligence. Psychological warfare has a long and prestigious history, probably going back as far as warfare itself. The Pacific islanders would paint themselves fantastically, wield incredibly cool-looking clubs made from sharks teeth, while making freaky faces from their canoes. The Romans took a more subdued approach, marching in meticulous formation, bashing their shields, and performing everything in perfect unison to impress the enemy with their self-control. Almost anything you can imagine has been used to gain that edge in war.
At least the NFAC is able to police itself and has no excuse if some of the members go off the rails and start smashing windows and looting. It has been quite frustrating that the BLM movement keeps setting back the quest to obtain a model police force by allowing (or even encouraging) their members to loot and pillage. It has gotten so bad that some 17-year-olds are even stepping-up to provide security at their events! The liberal leaders of municipalities and States are just adding fuel to the fire by putting their police in untenable positions: refusing to call in their requested number of National Guard, denying them the use of crowd-control devices, and even ordering them to abandon entire precincts to the mobs. In some areas bail has been eliminated for almost all offenses and Soros-funded DAs are refusing to prosecute rioters. This leads officer moral to plummet, crime to skyrocket, and inevitably to more police brutality to set-off another round. This strange cycle is not accomplishing anything and appears to be a psy-op of incredible scale.
The psychological warfare tactic being deployed on the American people through these riots is two-fold, with both elements seeking to elicit a response and escalate the tension. Let's look at both aspects of the strategy and their respective goals from the grassroots level to the multinational/corporate level.
The BLM organizers are well-funded and capable of managing their movement in a less annoying manner, but they believe that blocking traffic, looting, and harassing citizens will garner attention to the issue of demolishing the police. This operational strategy is counter-productive and probably pushed by people with a broader revolutionary agenda, but nevertheless thousands of people genuinely believe they are doing the right thing and sooner or later the strategy will lead to positive change in society. It is essentially an Accelerationist way of approaching a cause, the effort to win hearts and minds has been basically tossed out the window from the start. I doubt it will work out for us, but since they had everyone's sympathy from the day that the George Floyd footage was released I guess they just took it for granted. The lack of a more coherent strategy for achieving the goals of BLM makes me suspect that the organization is being used by the political establishment to accomplish their own psychological warfare aims, which we turn to presently.
The coddling of violent revolutionaries, releasing felons from jail, and systematic betrayal of the municipal police makes literally zero sense unless we can see it in the context of a psychological warfare operation. From the uniform behavior of liberal Governors and Mayors all across the country we know that these actions are not just aberrations of random crazed individuals who have somehow lucked into positions of responsibility before anyone detected their madness. Neither can it be explained as a winning electoral strategy that appeals to their constituents, these politicians are in big trouble at the polls! White independent voters supported BLM at 24% in early June, now down to just 3%. The coordinated effort to destabilize American society is a targeted attack on the American system by international/corporate power that is bigger than elections. If it succeeds we will move to system closer to China's and the popularity polls won't matter because elections won't matter.
They have to win one more election though, or at least make it look close enough to fudge with mail-ins.
The tactic of fostering a law-less and racially charged climate in the cities was supposed to elicit the kind of response that the NFAC is fishing for: angry Whites committing violence. It's not enough to just repeat ad nauseam the trope of "White supremists dressed like Antifa" over and over, people actually need to see them tearing shit up! Once that happens the liberal politicians in Blue States and cities can say enough is enough and start to crack-down on BLM/Antifa, while also unleashing political repression on the evil racists, AKA, their political opposition. But, unfortunately for them, the people going ham on protesters have been Black and Latino for the most part. There has been a bit of militia violence, but only on armed victims until recently. So for a minute they thought they had their causus belli in Kyle Rittenhouse, but by some miracle his social media was completely clean and they had to mainly drop it. Rittenhouse has been a disaster for the powers that be, I mean, literally no one thought someone like him even existed. The kid is not only a boy-scout, he also displayed ridiculous calm under pressure and didn't even fire a single indiscriminate shot while defending himself from the lynch mob. They are still trying to rail-road him and smear him as a racist, but what they really needed was a middle-aged, creepy looking gun-nut, with years of questionable Facebook posts to harvest and a MAGA hat. The fact that Kyle has Nick Sandmann's lawyer (fresh off a feast of millions from the libelous MSM) and is being supported by relatively mainstream personalities and the President means that the strategy of BLM/Antifa provocation must continue, to the detriment of politicians like Joe Biden who should be tacking hard to the center at this point.
The other White male who hasn't been taking the bait is, of course, Donald Trump. I'm willing to bet that Trump browses some of the darker regions of the net, where the "conspiracy theory" crowd has been speculating on the chances of a military coup for months. How else do we explain his ability to restrain himself while the destruction goes on interminably? His own Defense Secretary is in on it, all but declaring that the military will defect if Trump invokes the Insurrection Act to allow the military to do what Democrat leaders refuse to do. This is almost unbelievable restraint from a President whose home is under siege by violent revolutionaries under the passive gaze of the DC mayor. He even has managed to ride the storm while prominent members of his Party are assaulted outside of his convention speech.
Normally, Trump would be in a bind here. On the one hand he faces a military coup and/or impeachment for responding to the radical take-over of the major metropolitan areas, on the other hand he looks weak and ineffectual. But Americans are simply not as gullible anymore, trust in the institutions of power is falling fast, media has lost almost all credibility. People are digging a little deeper beneath the surface now, which is why Trump got elected in the first place. Who would have expected the citizenry of the most historically amnesiac nation of all time to look up the Posse Comitatus Act? That kind of nuance in an election year is shocking to the complacent oligarchy. They must have assumed that 2016 was just a fluke and failed to realize that something deeper is happening in the collective mind of the nation. Conspiracy theory is mainstream now and it's going to be a crazy ride through the new political re-alignment!
That is one of the weaknesses of psychological warfare: every time you use a particular tactic it becomes less effective. The Spartans law-giver Lycurgus forbade them to fight the same enemy too many times, because by doing so they would teach them how to fight like a Spartan. So I am predicting that more organizations like the NFAC will appear as a tactical adjustment. There is no way out except to increase the tension and double-down, Meanwhile, Blacks are getting more skilled at gun safety and hopefully making new connection in the militia community, which they are now a part of. All things considered they will be better off for the experience, even if some of the leaders are shady and possibly on the CIA payroll. That's just part and parcel of organizing in militia form these days. So be safe and see you guys at the derby!