Here we have, ladies and gentleman, the very face of the evil Orange Hitler living in his White(supremacy)-House and issuing harsh edicts that we denizens of the Blue States don't even notice compared to the draconian lockdown-phase we are already in. The fears I had of a false-flag attack kicking racial violence off-the-charts last weekend were unfounded, the President's team was miles ahead of me. Unknown heroes like the man above (Little Blue Men, we might call them in homage to Crimea's own Guardian Angels) surfaced to guard the perimeter in large numbers, under the control of the DOJ. Trump also swore-in National Guardsman as deputies under DOJ control, declawing DOD efforts to intensify the "soft-coup" by disarming the troops and trying to send them home. The DC Mayor media outlets tried to pose the defense of the White-House as some ham-fisted effort to crush the innocent with tanks. Yet even the much-mailgned St. John's Church "photo-op" turned out to be a justified use of force to extend the White-House perimeter by a block, a measure that defused a lot of the tension and made the larger protest safer in the long-run. If there had not been a presence of heavily-armed men there, who knows if protesters would have made a move for it? Even a relatively small amount of disruption can be very helpful to any bad-actors on the scene.
There were also some serious-looking sniper squads brought in to "Black Lives Matter Plaza," deterring shenanigans of a classic Soros Color-Revolution style. Especially in the middle of a riot, the for-of-war can keep rioters and cops from realizing that both sides are getting hit and make the violence go exponential. Thus, having our own snipers in place as a counter-measure is vital. The fact that the guys came-in on camera with faces visible (no masks on these boys) should be comforting to Americans worried about the potential for abuse of the military. So thanks to the discipline of the protesters and their guardians the DC rally went quite well, as did hundreds of others.
This is a great sign that Corona hysteria is dying, hopefully taking the "new-normal" with it. Even though getting government bucks has been great for some, most have come to realize that the new-normal sucks and they hate it. Minneapolis hospitalizations are still flat and they just had massive protests, looting, and rioting. Over ten days is enough to start seeing a spike if there is going to be one, so don't hold your breath for that second wave! Even the WHO conceded that asymptomatic spread is rare (like every respiratory infection), though they later walked it back. One by one the great myths of the Magic Virus with all its special powers are getting the ax. It's just a nasty bug like the many other nasty bugs we lived through.
Somehow, though, the new-normal agenda still chugs along. Surely much of this success is due to the mask-fad. That people have accepted this psychological torture device so passively is amazing to me. To be fair I think the days of the mask were numbered until it became a symbol of the BLM/Antifa revolution. Trump is lucky he wore the mask on camera only once, or maybe his TV-personality instincts saved him. Being the only grown-up in the room and not playing "scare the children" like the rest has finally paid-off, even though he had to endure brutal media attacks over banal things like golfing on Memorial Day and giving pressers without the mask. In response to criticism that he violated Ford-policy at a plant visit he trolled the media and Michigan's AG (who instantly played the gender-card):
"I wore one in this back area, but I didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it," Trump said.
"I think I look better in the mask. I'm making a speech, so I won't have it on now."
Nessel responded to Trump's attack with two tweets of her own, accusing him of lying.
"Hi! After struggling with our Gov & SOS, impressed you know my name. Seems like you have a problem with all 3 women who run MI-as well as your ability to tell the truth.
Now the mask has lost it's medical justification and become "symbolic" of... well that's the real question isn't it? In any case, Trump doesn't wear one so it is in opposition to him, at least.
We might see some more manifestations of the new-normie mask-cult pretty soon now that Seattle has a full-blown infestation of BLM/Antifa rebels establishing the "Capital Hill Free Zone." I imagine this anarcho/commune will do pretty well for itself, even without police. They obviously have practically unlimited funds and the locals are probably glad just to be free from the lockdown insanity! Even the masks might help here, as they hide the shame of the liberals as they undergo their "struggle sessions" and other cringe-worthy displays of devotion to the cause. I can't imagine that we would have seen the groveling and cringing on the parts of the "allies" without some mask cover, at least not on such a wide-scale. Even masked, the cringe level will go higher and higher over time as its overwhelming Whiteness is on full display, if the masks come off it will shoot through the stratosphere. Blacks don't enjoy White virtue-signalling any more than anyone else does.
Whether or not the radical BLM communist ideology will appeal to the non-Whites in the movement is anyone's guess, but I think that what we are witnessing is really not an ideological struggle. Apart from the highly-organized and well-funded core, you basically have people that are truly angry at the police and also full of pent-up energy and stress over lockdown. Anger fades over-time and the cabin-fever is more pronounced in the Whites because of the structure of the lockdown; in communities that don't snitch on each-other it was much less intense. While the West-Coast is a haven for professional grievance-artists, they don't necessarily have many followers to get involved in the boring grind of Occupy-style camps. At least in Seattle I hope race-war can eventually be safely ruled-out and it will be just more Liberal White-on-White violence.
There is an opportunity for criminal gangs of various ethnic make-ups to get in on the fun. I have to assume that they will eventually since antifa is easy prey for the real deal who aren't protected by the police and media all the time. I'm picturing something similar to the seedy rave scene at Buttons Arcade in my youth in Syracuse. To the newcomer like me it looked like a drug-dealing free-for-all, but though all the same hippy/raver types were doing the dealing it was actually totally under the control of local gangs in the area. They moved-in when they realized it was basically free money and absolutely destroyed anyone trying to bring their own drugs in. Portland had a similar infestation in 2018 which devolved into a massive health hazard of IV drug users, though the current take-over is much more organized, part of a national effort. Consider the massive looting of Downtown Manhattan, a coordinated event that the city's counter-terror and intelligence chief took the blame for missing and said is still unexplained:
The coordinated effort of looters to target the Manhattan neighborhood of SoHo without the police department's knowledge points to something the NYPD missed, said John Miller, the NYPD's chief of counterterrorism and intelligence.
"On the looting, that's an intelligence failure," Miller said at a briefing on Saturday. "If a couple of hundred people knew to be in a certain place at a certain time for criminal activity and we didn't detect that, that's on me. We've gone back looking for 'where was the Facebook page, where was the chatter in the places where we monitor gang's social media' and we still haven't seen it.
As NYC has impressive data-gathering this is a major red-flag, to the Tinfoil-Hats at least! If the police are truly "abolished" then gangs are going to be filling their shoes, no doubt. My only question is whether they can keep it a secret while the Seattle zone keeps the fires of revolution burning. If they succeed for long enough it could lead to similar outbreaks, especially with cities still suffering lockdown. People are not meant to have this level of police-state intervention in their lives and they will gravitate towards any outlet. We all want to tell ourselves that we are doing fine, but as lockdowns continue it unravels society piece by piece. In fact that unraveling may already be inevitable. We need to start building again, opening-up however we can. Whether we are facing-down the mask-cult or the imperious Governors, we can only plow-on and pray for help from above!